Electric Vehicle Agenda

The Future is Electric: Let’s Drive There Together

A Bold, Comprehensive Strategy

For the United States to be at the forefront of creating an even cleaner future, we need a comprehensive plan that takes the present market realities into consideration, as well as the on-going investment and innovation in internal combustion engine technologies. Such a bold, comprehensive strategy is required to establish the U.S. as a leader in the next generation of clean transportation innovation.

Lithium-Ion EV Battery Recycling Policy Framework

Industry framework to reuse, repurpose and recycle components of electric vehicle batteries and ensure batteries do not become landfill waste when reaching the end of their useful life. 

Recommended Attributes for EV Charging Stations

The Recommended Attributes for EV Charging Stations address important considerations for publicly available electric vehicle (EV) charging. With $7.5 billion in federal funding directed by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, these recommendations are intended to help federal and state-level investment planning and funding considerations to expand EV charging across the nation.

The EV Infrastructure Guiding Principles

The EV Infrastructure Guiding Principles focus on the importance of infrastructure investments and developments, including legislative and utility-based processes and policies that will support more customers as they buy or lease EVs. The principles include elements, such as:

No-compromise mobility;

Public-private partnerships for accelerated infrastructure deployment;

Utility rates and programs for EV charging;

Timely and cost-effective grid upgrades;

Ensuring all utility customers benefit from EV transportation; and

Building codes that incorporate EV chargers in new construction.